I vostri messaggi

MARSIGLIA – Elise Zanello

Ieri sera, 14 agosto, nella grande processione dei marsigliesi al santuario di Notre Dame de la Garde, abbiamo pregato per il Capitolo e per tutte le capitolari. Elise Zanello

Cina – Sr. Bernadetta Kim

Dear Sisters. We are really grateful for this moment. May Most Holy Trinity guide and enlighten you to walk together this 10th General Chapter. We are all same mind and heart even all are differnt places and situation. God Bless All ! (Macau-FSP)

Italia – Luigi Carrara

tanti auguri per un grande capitolo e che lo spirito santo vi illumini in questo cammino.luigi

Filippine – Sr. Erlinda & Provincialate Community

Dear Sisters, We have been praying for the outpouring of the Holy spirit to all of you and we believe He is granting that not only today but througout the entire encounter…may our Mother Mary, our model in active listening to the voice of the Spiritl, lead you all.

Filippine – Sr. Felina B. Lagasca

Dear Sr. Antonieta & sisters, May the abundance of the gifts of the Holy Spirit be renewed daily in all of you, so as to listen to the direction He may indicate to you. Our Queen & Mother is closely accompanying you and so with all of us here.

India – Young Pauline Collaborators

Dear Sr Antonieta and all the Sisters of the Chapter, specially our dearest Indians, We Young Pauline Collaborators are sending you our wishes and prayers. As youth we look forward to doing great things with the power of the Spirit, who guides us and is always young at heart. Prayers assured, Young Pauline Collaborators, Mumbai

Nuernberg/ Germania – Sr. Agnese Trucco

Carissima Sr. M. Antonieta e Sorelle del consiglio, anzitutto un grande grazie per il vostro buon servizio e la commovente lettera di congedo. A voi e tutte le Sorelle Capitolare auguriamo tanto Spirito Santo e l’assistenza di Maria con l’inizio in questo bel giorno a lei dedicato. Auguri e saluti da tutte noi presenti nella preghiera.

Bangalore – India – Sr. Teresina and Community

Dear Sr. Antonieta and all the Chapter delegates, Wishing you all the best for the chapter. May the Holy Spirit fill your hearts and minds that each of you may be open to the working of the Spirit. We are following you closely on the chapter website and accompanying you with our prayers. Sr. Teresina and Sisters

Kenya – Florence Wahome, fsp

Dear Sr Antonieta and all the capitulars, we accompany you with our prayers and sacrifices at this special moment of our Congregation. May Mary Queen of the Apostles, gloriously assumed into heaven, obtain for each one of you an abundant outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Affectionately in Christ our Master.

Kenya – Fsp – Nairobi

Dear Sr Antonieta and all the capitulars, we accompany you with our prayers as yo begin the 10th General Chapter today. May Mary Queen of Apostles, gloriously assumed into heaven, obtain for each one of you abundant outpouring of the Holy Spirit as she did for the first apostles. Affectionately in Jesus our Master.

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